Monday, 28 January 2013

Righteous dude!

Port Melbourne, Australia

When surveyed, the majority of people say that they believe themselves to have higher moral values than other people.  If we all think we are better than each other no wonder there's a lot of intolerance in society.  When we think our way is the only way and everyone else is wrong we create an arrogance, ignorance and sometimes a superiority complex (which if you scratch beneath the surface is really coming from insecurity).

When we let go of ego, and rather than pushing our righteous opinions and views onto each other, we think “what can I learn from this person?” we create more tolerance and acceptance of others and we grow.  I’m not saying we should devalue our own opinions, throw caution to the wind and take on everyone else’s values.  I’m saying that when we stay grounded and connected to our own values, but respect and listen to other people’s views we become happier, more intelligent and loving.   Basically we become better people.

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Monday, 7 January 2013

Non-Alcoholic High

Looking for a fun night, but don't want the pain of a hangover the next day?  The last 10 months have trained me up in the art of The Non-Alcoholic High (and no, I haven't taken recreational drugs).  The most extreme highs have been the natural ones that have come from meditation, running and yoga, but if that's not your thing, here are some other ideas:

Sleep deprivation, hard work & sugar = non-alcoholic high
* Sleep deprivation - Lack of sleep is an easy road to delirium.  I'm sure anyone who has stayed up late studying, working or watching TV on DVD knows too well that sleep deprivation can lead to uncontrollable laughter, absent mindedness and other side effects similar to those of alcoholic intoxication.  CAUTION: Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while in this state.

* The Sugar High - Soft drinks, lollies, cakes or chocolate can be a good substitute for alcohol at a party and can help keep your energy high on the dance floor.  This really only works if you have these foods on rare occassions.  If you have processed sugar every day your body builds up an immunity to it and it can cause long term damage.

* Cheesy dreams - Why have all the fun in our waking hours?  Why not fulfill our A grade fantasies while we sleep?  Studies have shown that eating cheese right before bed can induce some delightfully lucid dreams.  After eating the cheese it's best to prepare yourself for sleep by writing down and imagining how you want to feel in your dreams.  Certain cheeses can trigger specific dream genres ( and I can confirm from experience that Cheddar = celebrity dreams!  Not joking!  If we master fulfilling our fantasies while we sleep we are more likely to turn our dreams into reality.

* Tea Time - It might sound lame, but I've got my kicks from some serious tea drinking sessions!  My favourites are Green tea and Ginger tea.  Ginger is actually a natural stimulant, so when you chop up ginger root, put it in boiling water and munch on the remaining ginger in the bottom of the cup, it not only gives your immune system a boost, but it also gives you a spring in your step!

I'm not sure whether it was the sleep deprivation, a long day of filming or sugar that were responsible for the picture above, but things got sideways that night and neither of us had a drop of alcohol.  As I'm nearing the end of my year without alcohol I have to say, I've had so much fun without it, I'm not in any rush to "get back on it!"

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