Monday, 9 April 2012

Successful Happiness

Southbank, Melbourne, Australia
What is success?  Success is not measured by achievements or by money, but by our happiness and our ability to love.  Love for others, yes.  But first and foremost love for ourselves.
What is happiness?  In society there’s this delusion that happiness comes from achievements or the accumulation of “things”. 
Following that model we often feel disappointed when an accomplishment or new “thing” fails to provide us with the happiness we expected.  Mostly it’s a short lived high followed by a low and frantically searching and working toward the next thing to give us that momentary hit of pleasure.  The cycle continues.  If we flip that around though and work on making ourselves happy first, then the things we want come to us.  

Recently I set my goals aside and focussed solely on inner peace and sharing the resulting happiness and peace with others.  Suddenly my outer circumstances started to reflect that happiness.  In less than 2 months I quit my job, started a new job with less hours, joined a course in production management so I can make my own films, created a fundraiser and this blog and committed to not drinking alcohol for a year.  Not only am I happy and living my dreams, but I’m sharing that happiness with others ...And I’m feeling pretty “successful".

If you would like to support the cause you can recommend this page below or donate here:


  1. Good on you Sarah....i for one will definitely be following you on this! I hear a lot of what you are saying xx Kirsty

  2. Thanks so much for your support Kirsty! :-) xox
